
Some Tips To Help You Prepare Your Pets for Air Travel

When you have to travel and take your pet with you, driving to your destination is not very worrisome because your best friend is always in your line of vision. If it's a dog, it may joyously ride with its nose sticking out of the window while taking in all of the new sights and smells. A cat will be comfortably ensconced in its cage, uncaring about the views and sleeping peacefully instead. Traveling by air with a pet is not as comforting.

Your pets are stored in a different compartment and you are unable to help them if they are afraid or become ill during the flight. This makes having to let pets travel this way a source of worry for many pet owners. Before you make your reservations and bring Fido on the plane with you its important to take certain steps. You first need to ascertain if the airline you are using will allow the type of pet that you have on board and what procedures must be followed that will allow your pet to travel on that particular airline. The rules can vary from airline to airline so don't assume that since you traveled with your pet on one airline that the procedures are the same for a different one. Before you head to the airport you will probably need to stop at the vet's office.

Many airlines required evidence that your pet is in good health and is properly vaccinated. This is for the safety of all the animals that will be on board with yours. You certainly wouldn't want to put your healthy pet in the same area of a sick one that could share its disease so it's only fair that you prove that your own pet is healthy.

It is also important to ask the airlines what type of container will be required for your pet and then make sure that you have the right one. If your pet is small, it may be allowed to come on the plane with you but will have to be properly contained in a carrier that is small enough to fit under the seat and not block the aisles. This is not a common practice that is allowed because it would be impossible for airlines to determine if any of the other passengers may have allergies to your type of pet or breathing problems that does not allow them to be around furry animals.

Ask your veterinarian if it would be appropriate to give your pet a mild sedative in case they become afraid or anxious on the plane. This might help them to spend the ride in a calm state instead of a fearful one. When you leave for the airport, make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to board your pet. With today's emphasis on security, the security personnel may need to check your pet's cage for dangerous items such as a bomb or anything that might cause danger to the plane.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as pet medication at


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